Hey, there! My name is Chris Loh.
Im a tech enthusiast who also loves DIY projects around the house and traveling the world to see what it has to offer. I share my experiences on my YouTube channel and blog about them here when I can!
Think BIG, Dream BIG, Anything is Possible…
I am an Optimist and dreamer at heart. I try to make whatever dreams or aspirations that I have a reality. If you want something bad enough and you work hard towards it, you can make anything a reality.
This page is a work in progress and will continue to evolve as I work on it, so please be patient with me
If you do have any feedback or suggestions, I’m always happy to hear from you. please leave me a comment or message.
These are some of the things you will find on this page
- Anything related to my Youtube Channel
- Information about Tech and Gadgets
- Travelling and Lifestyle related posts, blogs, and content
- DIY-related topics and posts
- My merch and product store *Coming Soon!*